.. ‘but then Winston was asleep.It was nearly midday when he awoke and as he stretched his limbs, he felt another asleep beside him! His hands ran over the person which suddenly stirred, and Kate’s voice murmured, “Oh; ... Winston, ... hope you don’t mind. There wasn’t much else for me to do after I got back from roaming around out there; so after a coffee and then staring at the ceiling I thought, fuck it; I’m getting into the sack with that Winston. Well ... I just fell asleep too ... so here. She had the greatest desire to spit in his face to show her defiance, but he wasn't close enough, and she knew that she should keep her cool."We talked with your wonderful police chief," he said. "We're going to be able to exchange you for Mack."Betty remembered that Mack was the member of their gang that the police had captured near Harvard Square about a month ago."I don't know if the rest of the boys want to trade off someone as beautiful as you for that clumsy asshole," Joey continued. "But. .. Enough. You don't have to sweep thefloor with them. How about braids with pink ribbons? Good, I knew itwill be good idea. And now, you should see yourself, Link. None wouldcall such sissy boy a hero anymore.I can see those burning flames of anger in your eyes. It surly feelsterrible to be changed like this, isn't it? And you can do nothing toprevent it. But those blushes on your cheeks aren't lying. Your new,sissy boy fits you very well.Ok, I'm gonna use my magic to dress you properly now.. Something in me must have snapped because I turned suddenly herbicidal and out came the weed and grass killer. I keep it for those times when I'm too busy working weekends and can't find anyone to cut the grass.Hoping to drown him in a puddle of poisonous pesticide, I systematically saturated him with an entire gallon of the lethal liquid.With a look of sadistic glee on my face, I looked down at 'Ralph' as if expecting to hear him cry out in agony. He didn't! Instead, of begging for mercy or.
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